"I no longer feared the darkness once I knew the phoenix in me would rise from the ashes."

- William C. Hannan.

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The Art of Resilience: Phoenixes Rising









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The Art of Resilience: Phoenixes Rising...

chronicles the real-life resilience stories and poems of women from around the world who think of themselves as ordinary but who are in fact unbelievably extraordinary! Like priceless works of art, each of the women chosen to be in this book have demonstrated their ability to bounce back, time and time again, from their adversities. Some of them are chiefs of their tribes. Others are trail-blazers in their businesses and countries. More importantly, they are leaders first of themselves. Join me and be completely inspired as to who these ordinary/extraordinary women are as wives, mothers, business owners, entrepreneurs, and more.

–Dr. Joy Vaughan

Amazing Feature

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Amazing Feature

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Amazing Feature

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Amazing Feature

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About Dr. Joy Vaughan

I have always been interested in the brain—how it works and what was possible if we exercised parts of our brains correctly. As a Neuro-educator and avid researcher of the frontal lobe, I also became curious about the resilience of the human spirit. How was it that two people could experience the same adversity with the result being one would succeed and thrive, while the other would not? Was this resilience more evident in women vs. men? Having completed my Doctorate in Education and Brain-based Leadership, these were the questions that I carried in my heart as I took my solo trip around the world in 2019. As a woman, I had experienced my own journey of resilience but what about other women in other parts of the world? What was their story of resilience?

I invite you to discover what made them resilient, and also to find your own resilience through their stories and poetry. From Fiji to the United States, a heartfelt thanks to each and every woman who graciously shared their stories and poems for The Art of Resilience: Phoenixes Rising. I acknowledge you for your courage and faith to run your race and to be resilient. It has been an honor and privilege to tell your story. I love and wish you all the blessings in the world.

Jon Doe

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Jane Doe

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Jim Doe

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